Tuesday 3 June 2014

Oregon - Winter Light (1974)

The second album from this US band.

Oregon is an improvisation jazz band. Yes, they are still around, forty odd years and twenty-two albums after their debut album. Their music is a bit odd one. It is avant-garde jazz with some Middle Eastern influences. The music is pretty laid back. Winter Light is a forty-three minutes long test in concentration. Yes, that is how this album feels.

The music is performed with with woodwinds, flutes, piano, guitar, conga and percussion. Mostly with flugelhorn and piano. Saxophone is also present a lot. The music is very laid back and not particular melodic. This has all the hallmarks of avant-garde.

I don't mind avant-garde at all. It is a genre which I find very satisfying. This album is not among those I find satisfying. It is just too laid back and the music is mostly pretty lazy and dull. It is nevertheless a decent album which is not hitting me at home at all.

2 points

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