Monday 17 September 2012

Luop Garou - Subliminal Naps Lazier Jams (2012)

This is an album given to me through the commentary field for another review in this blog. I said yes to review it and is hereby keeping that promise.

This is an album which makes the first Amon Duul albums sound like overproduced pieces of pure art. That says a lot because the first Amon Duul albums is very poor. But this album is even worse. I don't fathom how it is possible to get so bad sound in this computer age. Subliminal Naps Lazier Jams has a horrible sound and it is hard to even get an impression of the music. It feels like it has been recorded in an intoxicated past the planet Mars state of mind. The little I can detect of this music is some kind of vocals and some acoustic guitars. That is all. Avoid.

1 point

Check it out


  1. Have to say I would agree with you here :)

  2. Hey Torodd!

    Would you be interested in giving us another shot?

    Of course, we don't have enough resources to be able to get a sound engineer to mix us up as we all perform and mostly improvise live in a basement, and 4/5 channel outs for post processing is pretty expensive, thus getting a good sound is still a bit tricky,

    but we believe we have improved considerably since last year in recording and playing, and we appreciate the fact that you could give us a straightforward opinion.

    So, if you feel like giving it a try please do. If not, we can understand. Thanks!

  3. Speaking of cats:
