Tuesday 27 December 2016

Exploit - Crisi (1972)

The one and only album from this Italian band.

Exploit was a trio with a lineup of organ, piano, bass, drums and vocals. The vocals are both in English and in Italian. Mostly Italian.

There is a lot of Italian one-shot bands. Bands who released one album and then disappeared again. Mostly by moving over to other bands. But Exploit arrived, did not conquer and then disappeared again.

This is a very weird album. Remember the old LP/Cassette format ? Well, side A has one long suite they named Crisi Suite. It is twenty minutes long and it is in the ELP/Le Orme mould.

This suite is pretty interesting throughout. The keyboards throws up some interesting details. Parts of this suite even has both English and Italian vocals. I don't understand why. But that was their choice.

So far, so good.

Then we move onto side B.... Oh boy what is we getting here !! Italian pop, no less. Six songs of tear inducing knee jerk and well over the top Italian pop music. The likes of what the good old housewives liked back in those days. The types of Italian pop you dance cheeek to cheek to with that girl/boy you then spend the next 50 years with, married.

Talk about an album with two sides. Talk about a two-faced album. This album fits that description perfectly.

Who was Exploit, I have to ask.

The end result is a decent album by the laws of average. I have heard worse Italian pop music than on this album too. It is barely a decent album though... Well, on reflection, it is not even that good. Hence my verdict.

1.5 points

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