Wednesday 18 July 2012

Macroscream - Sisyphus (2012)

The debut album from this new Italian band.

Stylewise, we are talking Italian prog rock. The title track is clocking in at twenty-three minutes. The music is folk music based symphonic rock. The difference is the absence of mellotron and moog. It has been replaced with violins. That and the English vocals is the only difference between this band and the likes of Le Orme and the Italian greats from the 1970s. Those bands and albums I love.

To my horror, I do not love this album. The English vocals is too nasal for my liking. The songs are not great. I am missing the old Rock Progressivo Italiano sound based on mellotron and moog. Macroscream has moved the Italian sound on and I have been left behind. This is a good album though and well worth checking out. I will though come back to this album later on and see if I feel the same again. Two weeks and numerous listening sessions is not enough with this album, I suspect.

3 points

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