Wednesday 8 July 2015

Glass - Palindrome (2014)

The fourth album from this US band.

Glass is a trio with three keyboardists. That means various tangent instruments from melotron and church organs to piano. Name anything with tangents and Glass has got it. Mostly on this album. 

The music is instrumental with some spoken vocals on one of the tracks. This album is also one hour long. One looooooong hour if you don't like this kind of stuff.

I normally like this kind of music. Symphonic prog, that is. Symphonic prog in the vein of ELP. In the case of this album, the music is not that interesting. It is kind of new-age and pretty much without much colours and variations. 

In short; this is a decent album which does not really make the grades. Most of this album is rather pointless too. The best part of this album is the first couple of tracks. The rest is pretty bad. Hence my verdict.

2 points  

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