Sunday 3 May 2015

Arrow Haze - Music Factory (2012)

The debut album from this Belgium based band.

Promoted to me as a prog rock album, I gladly purchased this album. What I got....... I am by no means a fan of progressive metal. It is in fact one of my pet hates. 

But first thing first. I know next to nothing about this band. I believe it is a five piece based on the sound and the live shots. I may be wrong. The lineup is keyboards, bass, drums, vocals and tonnes of guitars.

Progressive metal........ Well, it is not really traditional progressive metal. The band has taken a lot from the Seattle grunge scene and incorporated it into a mix of neo-prog and progressive metal. The music is pretty melodic. It is also full of guitar solos and I guess a socalled guitar hero is involved in the band. Timo Somers, he is called.

The music is pretty good and not as progressive metal as I feared. It is not an album down my alley though. I rate this one hour long album somewhere between decent and good. 

2.5 points   

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